Thursday, August 31, 2006

Robert Sungenis, Ph.D. and Bro. Guy Consolmagno, Ph.D. Discuss Geocentrism on the BBC

Robert Sungenis, Ph.D. author of numerous books including Galileo Was Wrong and Bro. Guy Consolmagno, Ph.D. of the Vatican Observatory participated in a BBC discussion on intelligent design. It appeared that the BBC wanted to use geocentrism to discredit Robert Sungenis, Ph.D. The show was taped on the Today Show, BBC radio channel 4, Tuesday 8/29/2006.
[Note 9/1: At this point it is not clear that it aired or was pre-taped. Still the interview did take place. I changed 'aired live' to 'was taped']. Unfortunately it appears the audio was not included on the website, yet. Did the interview not go the way the BBC had hoped?

In summary, the BBC commentator tried to get Bro. Guy Consolmagno to speak against the idea of geocentrism, but he would not. He basically stated that he preferred to work in the heliocentric system because the math is easier.

Here is a couple of portions of the interview from Robert Sungenis' memory (what follows is from Robert Sungenis):

Interviewer: "So, Dr. Sungenis, you believe that the sun goes around the earth, is that correct?"

Sungenis: "Yes, and so do a lot of other people."

Interviewer: "Like who?"

Sungenis: "Well, they won't come right out and admit it, but they do hold that geocentrism is just as valid a model of cosmology as heliocentrism."

Interviewer: "And who are these people?"

Sungenis: "Oh, people like Albert Einstein, Ernst Mach, Julian Barbour...."

At this point, the interviewer interupted and turned to Guy Consolomagno.

Interviewer: "Bro Consolmagno, do you believe that the sun revolves around the earth?"

Consolmagno: "Well, let's put it this way. It's easier to make calculations with the earth going around the sun."

At this point I could tell the intereviewer sensed that the whole thing was exploding in his face. So he tried to pin Consolmagno down to denying geocentrism.

Interviewer: "But Bro Consolmagno, we are talking here about reality. Regardless of whether the math works easier, is it true or not that the sun goes around the earth?"

Consolmagno: "Well, like I said, it's easier to work with the earth going around the sun."

There were more things said, but I can't remember them now, but the above is an accurate rendition of how the conversation went. In brief, Consolmagno would not admit to the interviewer that the sun did not go around the earth.


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