Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dr. Robert Bennett gets Cold Shoulder from Cardinal Schoenborn

Dr. Robert Bennett, co-author of Galileo Was Wrong attended a lecture by his emminence, Cardinal Shoenborn of Vienna, Austria in New York City. Dr. Bennett queried Cardinal Shoenborn about creationist topics during the Q&A after the lecture. His responses were less than expected. Dr. Bennett's reflections follow:

In his [Cardinal Schoenborn] responses to my post-lecture questions, his eminence made clear that :

-- He wanted no support from Catholic creationists like the Kolbe Center.

-- He wanted to build philosophical bridges between science and religion

-- Creationists are no better than materialists in obstructing the search for common ground.

No words, but only a tape of his response could capture the facial expressions and body language that expressed his disgust with a literal Genesis interpretation of six days and a 6,000 year old Earth.

I found it incredible that his eminence would refuse to hear scientific arguments against evolution supported by literal exegesis. Most of my arguments are, in fact, not technical but philosophical – the use of logical fallacies and false premises by Darwinists.

He claims more authority and knowledge in the science domain than I have as a Ph.D. in Physics, by refusing to hear scientific young Earth arguments.
Though having authority and knowledge in religious matters, he rejects key beliefs of the Church – the unanimous Patristic Tradition on creation in 6 days and the litera prima teaching of Popes Leo XIII and Pius XII. Though a scientist, I embrace these cornerstone beliefs without reservation.

I wonder - who is the cardinal here and who is the scientist? What would St. Thomas say is the middle ground of truth between the poles of a contradiction?


Anonymous Arthur K said...

Awesome bblog you have here

Tuesday, November 09, 2021  

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