43.5% Polled on Catholic Apologetics Forum are Open to the Possibility of Geocentrism
Catholic Truths
Mark Wyatt, Dec. 23rd, 2005
OK, granted, the poll was not scientific, and the results are clearly skewed to a population sample who studies, has some understanding (and interest), or at least an awareness of these things. Still, the results are interesting and worth looking at a little closer. The poll was conducted on the Catholic Answers forum from Dec. 19th through Dec.23rd, 2005. The poll was linked in a few other Caltholic Apologetics Forums. The Opening statement of the Poll was the following:
Science has not demonstrated that the earth moves (rotates or translates) in a manner distinguishable from a counter movement of the universe. The Church has made declarations that the earth does not translate or rotate and the sun does move [around the earth].Science is strongly of the opinion that the earth does move (though it cannot demonstrate that). The Church at this time is not requiring the faithful to reject modern science's opinion. What do you think about the truth of the matter?
Geocentricity 101: A beginner's Course
Geocentricity 101, Part I: Basic Principles
Geocentricity 101, Part II: Basic Physics
Geocentricity 101, Part III: Scriptural and Church Position
Geocentricity 101, Supplement: Discussion of Scripture and Church Position
Because of the manner polling occurs on Catholic Answers, it is not possible to know if the participants in the poll read the opening statement before responding to the poll choices.
1. Geocentrism is definitely possible: 28.26% (13 replies )
2. Science's opinion says it is not likely, I accept this: 10.87% (5 replies)
3. Science has definitely disproven geocentrism: 45.65% (21 repllies)
4. I am open to 1 and 2: 8.70% (4 replies)
5. I am open to 1, 2, 3: 6.52% (3 replies)
Total: 100.00% (46 replies)
Here are a summary of results beyond the raw results.
Open to geocentrism?
Open to Geocentrism as a possibility: 43.48%
Not open to it: 56.52%
Understand the science has NOT disproven geocentrism?
Likely understands that Science has not disproven geocenrtism: 45.62%
Likely does not understand that science has not disproven geocentrism: 54.35%
Largest single response:
Science has definitely disproven geocentrism: 45.65%
Second Largest Single Response:
Geocentrism is definitely possible: 28.26%
It is clear that, though more than 1/2 surveyed thought geocentrism has been disproven, there is an awareness among those who participate on Catholic apologetics forums that in fact geocentrism is a real possibility. Clearly a significant percentage realizes that science has not disproven geocentrism, and only has the opinion that it is not true.
Most suprising, 28% felt that geoecntrism was a definite possibility. A lot of this is likely due to the work of Robert Sungenis, and his $1000 Geocentric Challenge, which has been ongoing since May 2002.
Robert Sungenis and Dr. Robert Bennett's upcoming book, Galileo was Wrong will shed significant light on this topic.
The pollster's (author's) view of the questions, and some note on responses follows.
Question 1- Geocentrism is definitely possible: This can indicate that the respondent believes geocentrism to be true, or at least definitely possible. The positive response to this question indicates that the respondent likely does not believe it to be impossible.
This last statement is probably represented by Catholic Answers user "mosher":
I like the way this poll is written so I voted that it is definatelly possible because logically the Empirical Sciences cannot disprove anything in an absolute manner. It is possible but improbable.
I would suspect many people whould have answered #2 in that case, but mosher may not want to commit accepting science over Church, even though mosher may believe geocentrism unlikely. No one else explicitly indicated why they voted for #1.
A positive response to #1 indicates an understanding that science has not disproven geocentrism.
Question 2- Science's opinion says it is not likely, I accept this: A positive response to this statement indicates that the respondent understands that science has not disproven geocentrism. Still the respondent stands with the opinion of modern science that geocentrism is not likely. No respondents indicated why they voted for this choice.
Question 3- Science has definitely disproven geocentrism: A positive response to this statement indicates a belief that science has in fact demonstrated that geocentrism is not true. A positive response to this answer obviously indicates the respondent does not believe that science has not disproven geocentrism.
Another possible response is of the type would fall under trying to find the "best answer", as Catholic Answers user "pnewton" appears to have done:
I voted that way [#3], but would never word it like that. It is just the closest approximation to what I believe. I know of no credibility ever given to geocentrism and have always considered it a fringe. As far as the case not being closed, I do not view a few people how [sp] promote geocentrism to be relevant. The existance of a Flat Earth Society does not shake my belief inf the Earth being a spheroid.
Still, pnewton could have picked #2, because he is clearly influenced by opinions of science. On the other hand if he wanted to emphasize not giving it credibility, then #3 makes some sense, since this is an opinion poll, and "definitely" is not "absolutely". To use the word absolute in any of the choices would have been overly limiting. A positive response to #3 does not indicate an understanding that science has not disproven geocentrism. No other respondents indicated why they chose this response.
Question 4- I am open to 1 and 2: A positive response to this option indicates the person is split between the opinion of science and the positive case for geocentrism. A positive response to #4 for an undecided respondent indicates an understanding that science has not disproven geocentrism (as opposed to #5). No respondents indicated why they voted for this choice.
Question 5- I am .open to 1, 2, 3: A positive response to #5 indicates the the respondent is open to all the possibilites. It does not indicate the respondent understands that science has not disproven geocentrism.
Positive responses to questions 1, 4, or 5 all indicate an openess to the possibility of geocentrism. Based on that we can say:
Open to Geocentrism as a possibility: 43.48%
Not open to it: 56.52%
Positive responses to questions 1,2,and 4 indicate that it is likely the responder understands that science has not disproven geocentrism. As disussed, there is a possibility that they do understand this, but still chose #3. Still, not knowing who chose this response and why, this logically leads to the following results:
Likely understands that Science has not disproven geocentrism: 45.62%
Likely does not understand that science has not disproven geocentrism: 54.35%
Catholic Answers is run by Karl Keating. He was not involved in setting up, administering, or analyzing this poll, other than the fact that he provides the forum to do so. I appreciate the presence of the forum.
In fact, for the record, I know of two reasons Mr. Keating has given against geocentrism:
1. The distant stars would be moving faster than the speed of light.
2. In his college days he became convinced that [some] geocentric system was untenable. He was unable to recall specific details.
Both of which items the author believes have been answered here and other places.
In general, Mr. Keating appears to desire to stay out of discussions of geocentrism.
Mark Wyatt, Dec. 23rd, 2005
OK, granted, the poll was not scientific, and the results are clearly skewed to a population sample who studies, has some understanding (and interest), or at least an awareness of these things. Still, the results are interesting and worth looking at a little closer. The poll was conducted on the Catholic Answers forum from Dec. 19th through Dec.23rd, 2005. The poll was linked in a few other Caltholic Apologetics Forums. The Opening statement of the Poll was the following:
Science has not demonstrated that the earth moves (rotates or translates) in a manner distinguishable from a counter movement of the universe. The Church has made declarations that the earth does not translate or rotate and the sun does move [around the earth].Science is strongly of the opinion that the earth does move (though it cannot demonstrate that). The Church at this time is not requiring the faithful to reject modern science's opinion. What do you think about the truth of the matter?
Geocentricity 101: A beginner's Course
Geocentricity 101, Part I: Basic Principles
Geocentricity 101, Part II: Basic Physics
Geocentricity 101, Part III: Scriptural and Church Position
Geocentricity 101, Supplement: Discussion of Scripture and Church Position
Because of the manner polling occurs on Catholic Answers, it is not possible to know if the participants in the poll read the opening statement before responding to the poll choices.
1. Geocentrism is definitely possible: 28.26% (13 replies )
2. Science's opinion says it is not likely, I accept this: 10.87% (5 replies)
3. Science has definitely disproven geocentrism: 45.65% (21 repllies)
4. I am open to 1 and 2: 8.70% (4 replies)
5. I am open to 1, 2, 3: 6.52% (3 replies)
Total: 100.00% (46 replies)
Here are a summary of results beyond the raw results.
Open to geocentrism?
Open to Geocentrism as a possibility: 43.48%
Not open to it: 56.52%
Understand the science has NOT disproven geocentrism?
Likely understands that Science has not disproven geocenrtism: 45.62%
Likely does not understand that science has not disproven geocentrism: 54.35%
Largest single response:
Science has definitely disproven geocentrism: 45.65%
Second Largest Single Response:
Geocentrism is definitely possible: 28.26%
It is clear that, though more than 1/2 surveyed thought geocentrism has been disproven, there is an awareness among those who participate on Catholic apologetics forums that in fact geocentrism is a real possibility. Clearly a significant percentage realizes that science has not disproven geocentrism, and only has the opinion that it is not true.
Most suprising, 28% felt that geoecntrism was a definite possibility. A lot of this is likely due to the work of Robert Sungenis, and his $1000 Geocentric Challenge, which has been ongoing since May 2002.
Robert Sungenis and Dr. Robert Bennett's upcoming book, Galileo was Wrong will shed significant light on this topic.
The pollster's (author's) view of the questions, and some note on responses follows.
Question 1- Geocentrism is definitely possible: This can indicate that the respondent believes geocentrism to be true, or at least definitely possible. The positive response to this question indicates that the respondent likely does not believe it to be impossible.
This last statement is probably represented by Catholic Answers user "mosher":
I like the way this poll is written so I voted that it is definatelly possible because logically the Empirical Sciences cannot disprove anything in an absolute manner. It is possible but improbable.
I would suspect many people whould have answered #2 in that case, but mosher may not want to commit accepting science over Church, even though mosher may believe geocentrism unlikely. No one else explicitly indicated why they voted for #1.
A positive response to #1 indicates an understanding that science has not disproven geocentrism.
Question 2- Science's opinion says it is not likely, I accept this: A positive response to this statement indicates that the respondent understands that science has not disproven geocentrism. Still the respondent stands with the opinion of modern science that geocentrism is not likely. No respondents indicated why they voted for this choice.
Question 3- Science has definitely disproven geocentrism: A positive response to this statement indicates a belief that science has in fact demonstrated that geocentrism is not true. A positive response to this answer obviously indicates the respondent does not believe that science has not disproven geocentrism.
Another possible response is of the type would fall under trying to find the "best answer", as Catholic Answers user "pnewton" appears to have done:
I voted that way [#3], but would never word it like that. It is just the closest approximation to what I believe. I know of no credibility ever given to geocentrism and have always considered it a fringe. As far as the case not being closed, I do not view a few people how [sp] promote geocentrism to be relevant. The existance of a Flat Earth Society does not shake my belief inf the Earth being a spheroid.
Still, pnewton could have picked #2, because he is clearly influenced by opinions of science. On the other hand if he wanted to emphasize not giving it credibility, then #3 makes some sense, since this is an opinion poll, and "definitely" is not "absolutely". To use the word absolute in any of the choices would have been overly limiting. A positive response to #3 does not indicate an understanding that science has not disproven geocentrism. No other respondents indicated why they chose this response.
Question 4- I am open to 1 and 2: A positive response to this option indicates the person is split between the opinion of science and the positive case for geocentrism. A positive response to #4 for an undecided respondent indicates an understanding that science has not disproven geocentrism (as opposed to #5). No respondents indicated why they voted for this choice.
Question 5- I am .open to 1, 2, 3: A positive response to #5 indicates the the respondent is open to all the possibilites. It does not indicate the respondent understands that science has not disproven geocentrism.
Positive responses to questions 1, 4, or 5 all indicate an openess to the possibility of geocentrism. Based on that we can say:
Open to Geocentrism as a possibility: 43.48%
Not open to it: 56.52%
Positive responses to questions 1,2,and 4 indicate that it is likely the responder understands that science has not disproven geocentrism. As disussed, there is a possibility that they do understand this, but still chose #3. Still, not knowing who chose this response and why, this logically leads to the following results:
Likely understands that Science has not disproven geocentrism: 45.62%
Likely does not understand that science has not disproven geocentrism: 54.35%
Catholic Answers is run by Karl Keating. He was not involved in setting up, administering, or analyzing this poll, other than the fact that he provides the forum to do so. I appreciate the presence of the forum.
In fact, for the record, I know of two reasons Mr. Keating has given against geocentrism:
1. The distant stars would be moving faster than the speed of light.
2. In his college days he became convinced that [some] geocentric system was untenable. He was unable to recall specific details.
Both of which items the author believes have been answered here and other places.
In general, Mr. Keating appears to desire to stay out of discussions of geocentrism.